A Family Affair with an GSOS Orthopedic Surgeon

Elizabeth wanted Dr. Wong to perform her surgery after the doctor’s immaculate care during her husband’s hip replacement.

Elizabeth and Randall Davidson do many things differently but they have only one orthopedic surgeon, and that is Dr. Wendy Wong at Golden State Orthopedics & Spine (GSOS).

It all started when Randall began suffering from pain in his left knee. He knew he needed help from an orthopedic specialist and started researching his options.

He had previously had his right hip replaced at GSOS, but the doctor who performed his surgery was no longer with the practice. So he was considering surgery at GSOS again, as well as possibly going to one of the other groups in the area.

He ended up making an appointment with Dr. Wong. She talked to him about his pain and took x-rays to get the full picture. She told the couple that the pain in his knee was coming from his hip, and he needed to have his left hip replaced as well. Randall decided to go with Dr. Wong for the surgery.

“We chose Dr. Wong because we trusted her. She was very attentive,” says Randall. “She answered our questions, is extremely knowledgeable and has great bedside manner.”

Different person, same orthopedic surgeon

A few weeks later Elizabeth fractured her left wrist and needed surgery. They knew they wanted to see Dr. Wong for the surgery since she had just finished Randall’s surgery and had done such a great job.

“She is very thorough and good at following up with her patients,” says Elizabeth. “She really looks at the fine details, is consistent and is good at ensuring trust.”

The Davidsons say that they would continue to go back to Dr. Wong if they need any other orthopedic help. But hopefully, they won’t need any additional surgeries. They would refer anyone in their circle of family and friends to Dr. Wong and the GSOS team.

“Dr. Wong is very attentive and has been everything one would like to have from a surgeon,” says Randall. “When she is in front of you, she is listening and not trying to do multiple things at the same time.”

It is not only Dr. Wong who made the Davidson’s experience great. “Her medical assistant Angela was extremely good at providing answers and getting back to us,” says Elizabeth. “The whole staff that surrounds Dr. Wong was great.”

Ready to address your orthopedic concerns? Take the first step towards better musculoskeletal health by scheduling a consultation with our experienced orthopedic specialists. 

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