Can I See Cherlyn?
Cherlyn Alferos
Cherlyn is a certified family nurse practitioner working in Orthopedic Express urgent care in Walnut Creek. With a nursing background of over 14 years, Cherlyn recently updated her education to include a master’s degree in nursing as a family nurse practitioner from Samuel Merritt University in Oakland.
“My passion for patient care as well as learning and teaching led me to become a Registered Nurse and ultimately a Nurse Practitioner,” she says.
Cherlyn works with her patients, listening to their needs and concerns and providing the information and education they need to make the best decisions about their orthopedic care. She finds that patients who make informed decisions about their condition or injury are more compliant with their treatment and achieve better health outcomes.
Working with:
Millions of patients choose NPs as their health care providers, with visits totaling more than 1.06 billion annually.