Orthopedic Spine Surgeon

Walnut Creek
Can I See Dr Ochoa?
350 John Muir Parkway
Brentwood CA 94513
2405 Shadelands Drive
Walnut Creek CA 94598
1800 Sutter Street
Concord, CA 94520
With Dr Ochoa
Dr offers minimally invasive spine surgery which results in less pain, less damage to muscles, and a shorter hospital stay.
Dr offers Cervical Spine Surgery that is performed to treat neck pain from nerve pinching or spinal instability.
Dr is skillful in Fracture Care which often involves resetting the bone in place and immobilizing it.
Dr accepts patients with work-based injuries to joints, bones and muscles. We take a team approach to worker care.
Dr is skilled in revision spine surgery and complex spine deformity surgery.
Dr offers spinal fusion procedures that involve techniques designed to mimic the normal healing process of broken bones.
Dr offers TeleHealth consultations for patients who are not able to visit the office in person.
For Patients
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About Dr Ochoa
Dr. Jonathan Ochoa is a Southern California native with deep roots in the Inland Empire, yet his journey in medicine has taken him across the state, allowing him to fall in love with the diverse landscapes and communities of California. Raised in Southern California, Dr. Ochoa pursued his undergraduate degree at UCLA, where he graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Psychobiology. His academic excellence earned him a full scholarship to the prestigious UCSF School of Medicine, where he first discovered his passion for the Bay Area.
During medical school, Dr. Ochoa developed a strong interest in the complexities of spine surgery, viewing it as a challenging puzzle that required both precision and creativity. He completed his internship and residency in orthopedic surgery at UC Irvine, serving as chief resident.
Dr. Ochoa further specialized in pediatric and adult spinal deformity during his fellowship at UC Davis. His time at UC Davis, a high-volume Level 1 trauma center, allowed him to train under some of the best mentors in the field and gain expertise in complex revision spine surgeries, scoliosis, and spinal trauma. His training includes the latest surgical treatments for the back and neck, including motion-preserving procedures like artificial disc replacement and minimally invasive surgery. He is also trained in the use of the Augmedics xvision Spine System, a cutting-edge augmented reality technology that enables surgeons to view patients’ anatomy with “x-ray vision,” allowing for precise navigation of instruments and implants during spine procedures.
Dr. Ochoa is proud to have perfomed spine surgery on patients ranging in age from 10 months old to 95 years old, and he is dedicated to providing the highest level of care for both pediatric and adult patients. His research has been published in multiple journals and presented at international conferences, focusing on areas such as the use of biologics in metastatic spine disease, management of spinal disorders such as isthmic spondylolisthesis in teenagers, and methods to assess preoperative factors that may improve postoperative outcomes in spinal surgery.
As a member of the North American Spine Society and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery, Dr. Ochoa is committed to staying at the forefront of advancements in spine care. He prioritizes a conservative approach to treatment, understanding that spine surgery is a significant decision that should only be considered after extensive non-operative treatment. Dr. Ochoa believes in the importance of thorough discussions with his patients, treating them as if they were family, and developing personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs. He strives to be accessible and compassionate throughout the entire process, ensuring that his patients feel heard and supported every step of the way.
Dr. Ochoa’s personal life is as rich and fulfilling as his professional one. He enjoys exploring third-wave coffee shops and local bakeries, as well as hiking and discovering new trails with his wife and their two Shiba Inu’s. Despite living in the Bay Area, Dr. Ochoa remains a die-hard fan of UCLA football and basketball and the Los Angeles Lakers.
Dr. Jonathan Ochoa’s combination of extensive training, innovative expertise, and patient-centered care makes him a valuable addition to the Golden State Orthopedics & Spine team, where he continues to provide exceptional care to his patients.
2023 – 2024 Fellowship, Orthopaedic Spine Fellow
University of California, Davis School of Medicine
2018 – 2023, Orthopaedic Surgery Resident Physician
University of California, Irvine School of Medicine
2018 – 2023, Orthopaedic Surgery Resident Physician
University of California, Irvine School of Medicine
2014 – 2018 Doctor of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine
2011 – 2013 B.S. Psychobiology (Cum Laude)
University of California, Los Angeles
Choi JH, Ochoa JK, Lubinus A, Timon S, Lee YP, Bhatia NN “Management of Lumbar Spondylolysis in the Adolescent Athlete: A Review of over 200 cases”. The Spine Journal. 2022 Apr.
Ochoa JK, Willhuber GC, Chang A, Erdman M, Lee B, Bhatia N, Lee YP; Bone Graft and Bone Graft Substitute Options in Metastatic Spine Surgery. Contemporary Spine Surgery: 2022 May.
Li AK, Ochoa JK, Pedoia V, Amano K, Li X, Ma CB “Altered Tibiofemoral Position Following ACL Reconstruction is Associated with Cartilage Matrix Changes: a Voxel Based Relaxometry Analysis” Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2020 May. In press.
Ochoa JK, Gross GE, Anderson RB, Hsu AR “Foot and Ankle Injections in Athletes” Sports Health. 2021 Mar: 19417381211003619.
Willhuber GC, Oyadomari S, Ochoa JK, Holc F, Guiroy A, Bow H, Hashmi S, Oh M, Bhatia N, Lee YP; “The impact of stratified hypoalbuminemia and dialysis in morbidity/mortality in posterior spinal fusion surgery: ACS-NSQIP study” Surgical Neurology International 2022 Aug.
Ochoa JK, Shahzad H Dow R, Javidan J, Roberto R, Khan S, Le H. Utility of Routine Preoperative Urinalysis in Elective Lumbar Spine Fusion Surgery. Presentation at The Nebraska Chapter, American College of Surgeons. Omaha, NE (2024).
Dow R , Gallardo MO, Shahzad H, Ochoa JK, Le S, White MR, Tse S, Simister S, Saade A, Khan S, Javidan J, Roberto R, Klineberg E, Le H. Comparative Analysis of Lumbar Lordosis: Post-operative Upright vs. Intra-operative Horizontal Imaging in Scoliosis Patients. Presentation at OneAO 2024. Phoenix, AZ, USA. April, 2024.
Chan J, Choi J, Ochoa J, Hashmi S. 196. Rapid MRI protocol for acute spinal cord trauma and cord compression. The Spine Journal. 2023 Sep 1;23(9):S100.
Chan J, Ochoa J, Choi J, Hashmi S. P136. Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase is an independent predictor of complications after lumbar spinal fusion. The Spine Journal. 2023 Sep 1;23(9):S173-4.
Chan J, Ochoa J, Choi J, Hashmi S. P136. Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase is an independent predictor of complications after lumbar spinal fusion. The Spine Journal. 2023 Sep 1;23(9):S173-4.
Birring P, Chan JP, Hovsi G, Le R, Ochoa J, Choi J, Faruqi T, Chow D, Lee YP, Bhatia N, Hashmi SZ. Noncontinguous Simultaneous Decompression for the Treatment of Tandem Cervical and Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Western Orthopaedic Association 2023 Annual Meeting. Coeur d’Alene, ID, August 2023
Birring P, Chan JP, Khurana S, Le R, Ochoa J, Choi J, Faruqi T, Chow D, Lee YP, Bhatia N, Hashmi SZ. Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Spondylolisthesis with Posterolateral Fusion versus Combined Posterolateral/Transforaminal or Anterior/Lateral Interbody Fusion. Western Orthopaedic Association 2023 Annual Meeting. Coeur d’Alene, ID, August 2023
Ochoa JK, Callan K, McLellan M, Willhuber GC, Lee YP, Bhatia NN; Comparison of outcomes in patients with metastatic spine disease undergoing reconstructive surgery versus instrumentation/fusion. Submitted to AAOOS 2022.
Oyadomari S, Rosecrance K, Ochoa JK, Lee YP. Progression of kyphosis following acute traumatic vertebral compression fractures. Abstract submitted and presented at WOA 2022.
Ochoa JK, Amano K, Tanaka M, Pedoia V, Souza R, Li X, Ma CB “Altered Biomechanics and Cartilage Health Changes in Bilateral Knees Following Unilateral ACL Reconstruction: A 2Year Follow-Up” (2016) Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Volume 24, S406-S407
Ochoa JK, Amano K, Tanaka M, Pedoia V, Souza R, Li X, Ma CB “Kinematic and Cartilage Health Changes in Both Injured and Contralateral Knees Following ACL Injury and Reconstruction” Accepted and published in the 2016 ORS Annual Meeting Proceedings
Ochoa JK, Amano K, Tanaka M, Pedoia V, Souza R, Li X, Ma CB “Altered Kinematics in Injured and Contralateral Knees Following ACL Injury and Reconstruction” Accepted for ePoster presentation at American Arthroscopy of North America 2016 Annual Meeting Pedoia V, Amano K, Tanaka MS, Ochoa JK, Kumar N, Lansdown D, Ma CB, Li X. “Bone shape changes in the first 6 months after ACL injury are associated with cartilage compositional changes at 2- year time point.” (2016) Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Volume 24, S57 – S58
Li AK, Pedoia V, Amano K, Ochoa JK, Li Q, Ma CB, Li X, “Anterior Tibial Translation Following ACL Reconstruction is Associated with Postsurgical Cartilage Matrix Changes.” Accepted for presentation at the 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
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