Extend the Life of Your Hip Joints


Woman dancing in a ballet studio

Shakira Is Right, Your Hips Don’t Lie

See how injections, physical therapy and minimally invasive surgeries can help extend the life of a person’s natural hip joint.

Stop suffering
GSOS patient, Marlene and her husband.

Back to Dancing After Hip Arthritis Stopped Her Rhythm

Marlene loved to dance with her husband and at Zumba classes but hip pain sidelined her. Thanks to Dr. Crow and two hip replacement surgeries, it didn’t keep her down for long. She is back to moving around pain free.

Watch her thank you video
Man reclining and listening to music through headphones

Treating Hip Pain for All Stages of Life

Hip injuries can affect people of all ages. It is common that a young adult can suffer from the hip joint abnormalities such as dysplasia or femoroacetabular impingement.

8 hip treatment options

Ortho Tip of the Month

Hip pain shouldn’t always stop you from moving

Did your hip pain begin after you started a new workout plan for 2019, and you stopped working out? Frequent, moderate activity is often good for a painful joint, but see one of our orthopedic specialists if you’re not sure or the pain becomes worse. 


Ready to address your orthopedic concerns? Take the first step towards better musculoskeletal health by scheduling a consultation with our experienced orthopedic specialists. 

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