Learn About Orthopedic Careers For Women

Our accomplished total joint replacement surgeon, Dr Wendy Wong, is a member of THE RUTH JACKSON ORTHOPAEDIC SOCIETY (RJOS) which was founded in 1983 as a support and networking group for the growing number of women orthopedic surgeons. The women at the first meeting felt that there were many common problems confronting them, which could best be solved by pooling resources.

These range from sharing technical solutions for practice problems to how to survive motherhood and orthopedic practice/residency at the same time. The RJOS began with 42 women and has grown to a membership of more than 1,000. The majority is from North America, with international female orthopedists included.

The membership is comprised of practicing orthopedic surgeons, residents, fellows, and medical students. With these varied perspectives, RJOS offers a woman’s viewpoint on the rewards and shortcomings of a career in orthopedics.

RJOS is holding a webinar for college students interested in hearing about careers in orthopedics from a woman’s perspective.

On behalf of Dr Wendy Wong and RJOS, we welcome you to join our webinar. The invitation is shown below – to register, simply click on the register button.

Ready to address your orthopedic concerns? Take the first step towards better musculoskeletal health by scheduling a consultation with our experienced orthopedic specialists. 

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